Monday, October 22, 2007

why do it

ok, maybe i owe an apology. i do have to admit that i was sure that i could write something and feel okay about complete strangers reading it. what stops me from going to that level is fear of exposing myself that intimately. seriously. what else could it be.

so, at the risk of looking like a complete ass, i'm going to put this "poem" up for real this time. with all the fears that i have at being judged like some ego centric teenager, what's the worst that could happen? someone might not like it and say so?

i should hope that i would have a thicker skin by now. rejection goes with being self-employed...

here goes:

the endless home – ep 2007

will u lay beside me
when I’m dead and gone?

will u be beside me
the only one,
the only one,
the only one.

it’s darker outside without
my eyes to guide me.
i feel my way around,
where no one may find me.

I’ll forget where I’m goin’,
but not til I’m done
thinking and feeling
scared, I’ve been running,
oh what from?

will u be beside me
when I’m dead and gone?

if u see me scared,
what can I do,
to make u feel happy
and not see me

will u lay beside me…
when I’m dead and gone?

will u be beside me
the only one,
the only one,
the only one.

my own eyes
are blinded with haze
of no certain terms in
endless, distant gaze.

beside my own feeling
I put out to you
to take me in your heart
and let my hurt undo.

will u be beside me
when I’m dead and gone?

will u be beside me?
the only one,
the only one,
the endless home.

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