Wednesday, September 19, 2007


ok, is it me, or is our society really turning into a bunch of selfish, narcissistic, ego-centric, over-entitled, lack of responsiblity taking automatons?

i'm a parent (ok, like join a club or something, hurray for me, give me a medal?? whatever)

i am so sick of listening to and reading about people wringing their hands over the alleged demise of social mores and ethics in today's youth.

it's simple, and i see it everyday. nobody takes responsibility. we 'adults' are responsible. really. it's true.

what did you expect the kids to do? where do you think they get it from?

we blindly accept our 'leaders' refusing to take responsibility for some unconscionable act, because we know that the lie, when repeatedly told, becomes the truth.

we call it marketing, spin, pr...

it's become so bad that we are truly stopped in our tracks when someone actually stands up and says "yeah, i did it. it was stupid and irresponsible, and i don't know what i was thinking. but, yes, i did it"

and we can't figure out what's going all 'wrong' with our kids today?

it's time to stop trying to fix the problem by simply wrapping more duct tape around it. someone has actually got to go in and replace the broken pipe.

targeting and correcting just our kids behaviour seems like a good way to go about it, however don't you suppose that maybe, just maybe the better solution is for us all to take a look at our belly-buttons and change what's within.

remember that water flows downhill. it will undoubtedly take time for the upcoming generation to pick up an adjusted sense of responsibility, but c'mon folks: this simply can't be an impossible dream.

please, and thank-you.

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